CHIP8 Emulator.
So I have begun coding a chip8 emulator after some motivation and encouragement. The project which
have called 'CrckrChip8' is still very crappy. I coded it in C/C++, it's an interpreter. It reads opcodes and executes them. It seems that my cpu core is still quite infunctional. I tried to do graphics and it sucks, it's not outputting well. Not bad for a start. I'll upload a link to the code. It's a codeblocks project. Yeah, so basically that's it. I don't mind being corrected.
have called 'CrckrChip8' is still very crappy. I coded it in C/C++, it's an interpreter. It reads opcodes and executes them. It seems that my cpu core is still quite infunctional. I tried to do graphics and it sucks, it's not outputting well. Not bad for a start. I'll upload a link to the code. It's a codeblocks project. Yeah, so basically that's it. I don't mind being corrected.
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